After the proposal, fish and I went back to our villa and tried to make it to the restaurant that fish had reserved a month ago.
I thought it was gonna for our anniversary, now it's for our proposal night, how unpredictably sweet.
All the way from our villa to the restaurant was very smooth except for the taxi driver of blue bird charged us almost 10 times the regular price by longer drive. It also made us a bit late to our reservation.
Nevertheless, nothing could lessen our joy when we arrived at SAMAYA, a beautiful 5-starred resort.
Another surprise from Mr. Fiance and I was flattered by the romantic atmosphere.
As we walked into the resort, I noticed there was a special seats area, thinking "how luxurious it is, the girl whoever sits there later must be a lucky one", and a waitress came to us.

I thought it was gonna for our anniversary, now it's for our proposal night, how unpredictably sweet.
All the way from our villa to the restaurant was very smooth except for the taxi driver of blue bird charged us almost 10 times the regular price by longer drive. It also made us a bit late to our reservation.
Nevertheless, nothing could lessen our joy when we arrived at SAMAYA, a beautiful 5-starred resort.
Another surprise from Mr. Fiance and I was flattered by the romantic atmosphere.
As we walked into the resort, I noticed there was a special seats area, thinking "how luxurious it is, the girl whoever sits there later must be a lucky one", and a waitress came to us.
The Breeze restaurant in SAMAYA has one of the best locations along the beach.
Their dining tables are set in front of the beach and have romantic candle lights at night.
I didn't take the pics of the beachfront dinning area at night.
This is their day-time view from their website.
I thought "sitting near the beach is good enough, although the special seats look truely awesome".
The waitress confirmed fish's reservation and led us backwards.
I thought "where are we going?" While approaching the white tent and isolated small island, I was like "no way".
There were two beautiful white umbrellas aside a wooden bridge decorated with flowers and petals.
The bridge leads to an small island in a wide swimming pool which was embellished with floating candles.
I looked at fish and fish seemed to be satisfied too since he could tell my happiness from my face.
breeze restaurant by samaya
the island candle light dinner
sweeeeet title
fresh prawn and crab tower
asparagus soup with salmon carpaccio
roasted lamb loin and braised lamb crepinettes- fish had changed my main course :)
vodka scented orange sorbet
chocolate souffle and green tea ice cream
I love frangipani
and love this romantic place
and love my fish the most
our seats :)
we both dressed in white without saying
Mr. & Mrs. Fish-to-be
Thank you for giving me an unforgetable night, fiance. :)